Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm okay with me. How about you ?

Hey guys. Recently, I've been told and listened to some of my friends responding to the negative talks that bad people label them. Upon reading their blog post, they reminded me of the incident that caused me to be how I am today.

I am not like how you know me now
I was weak and a helpless girl
Not to mention stupid and a nerd
Whom is incapable to even to stand up and read aloud when asked

I am the girl who is constantly bullied by big boys
Who took my plasticine and threw it in the dustbin
Who can only cry and watch

I am the short, fat, dark and ugly girl
Whom you said could not be any less ugly than this
Yes. I am that girl
Who heigh about 145 cm
And is unable to wear my 'tudung' properly
without the help of my teacher to fix it

I am the very same girl whom people said
Could never be the real biological daughter to both parents
because of the nothing in resemblance
Whom you could just push me aside
and hurt my feelings recklessly
I am HER

I am the one whom you said STUPID
I am the one whom you MOCK in class
I am the girl you push aside in class
I am the girl who is always alone having one good companion
Whom I would defend when he needs me - My good friend

I'm strong, energetic and might still be a nerd
I can make presentations in front of people easily
I can even talk without script confidently
I have a loud voice which made me unique
No more crying, being helpless when being pushed around
I am brave enough to voice out my opinion

I am not fat, dark, short nor ugly no more
I am chubby
I have tanned skin
I am 164 cm tall
And I am blessed with a mix-ed complexion
I inherited my mother's eyes
Skin, height and frame from my father's

I could not care less how you judged me no more
I'm not you
I'm perfect in every way like what Allah made me
I'm thankful for that

I PROVED you wrong
I'm HERE doing what I love - studying
It's hard - but it's worth it

You made me into what I am today
I'm a little heartless
A little bold and rude
A little of this and that
But hey,
I'm nice to good people
because they deserve it
Not a single bit

Forgive me
En light me to favour you

P/S : Copyright reserved. IF you intend to use some parts of this work, do acknowledge the writer. Thanks ! This post is a little long but thanks for your time ! :D


  1. heehee...teringt cite ko aritu...

  2. haha. teringat aku pasal bdk keling yg bli kau masa darjah bpe tah. dia amek tnh liat kau pastu dia buang kan ? haha. apa kabo lah dia skang ni agaknya kan. aha :)

  3. uNcL3 : HAHA. That's a different situation. But more or less the same. :O

    Scarlett Vierra : HAHA. Budak tu ade je dlm FB aku. Dia add. But the thing is, aku tak penah tegur dia. LOL

  4. So not true except the hijab and chubby...
    the hijab will come to you naturally n i know it... the chubby part is a good part... stay with it... u look good with it...
